Prayer Books & Devotionals
Mother Mary Loyola
Confession & Communion
$12.95We have recently retypeset this popular book as a purse-size prayerbook to make it easier to bring to church! Those who frequently avail themselves of these Sacraments will appreciate this devotional aid which presents a fresh...
Mother Mary Loyola
Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After
$16.95Readers of The King of the Golden City will appreciate the theme of preparing a fitting welcome for the King, and in making those visits as fruitful as possible. But sometimes our preparation and thanksgiving are more...
Mother Mary Loyola
Hail! Full of Grace
$12.95In Hail! Full of Grace, Mother Loyola brings her full talent for storytelling to bear on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary. Like a tourguide to the Holy Land, she brings the reader along on a journey through the lives of our...
Mother Mary Loyola
With the Church, Volume 2: the Ascension to Advent
$17.95At long last, we have finally finished this second and final volume of Mother Loyola's meditations on the Church Year! When writing the first volume of With the Church, Mother Loyola took care to focus on the "meat" of the Church Year. Bedridden and...
Mother Mary Loyola
$9.95This last of Mother Mary Loyola's full-length works is an object lesson in learning to trust implicitly in God for all things, especially when it is most difficult to do so. Who better than she to lead us on this...
Mother Mary Loyola
$12.95In Heavenwards, Mother Loyola explores, in a series of 52 brief scriptural meditations, the challenge of being in the world, but not of it. Manny times it seems the narrow gate is not merely narrow, but overgrown with...
Mother Margaret Bolton
A Way to Achievement
$9.95In this life, all of us invariably meet with obstacles and problems. To overcome these difficulties can seem like an impossible task, especially if one has not developed habits of self-discipline, positive thinking and perseverance in faith. ...
Mother Genevieve Gallois
The Life of Little Saint Placid
$12.95Mother Genevieve Gallois began life as a violently anti-clerical artist in turn-of-the-century Paris, but after a spritual crisis, she entered a Benedictine convent and dedicated her life to prayer and religious art. In her...
Sister Mary Philip
The Sacred Heart and Mine in Holy Communion
$9.95The Sacred Heart and Mine in Holy Communion is a wonderful set of brief meditations on the titles of the Sacred Heart, suitable for Communion or visits to the Blessed Sacrament. Sister Mary Philip entered the Bar Convent in 1905, during Mother...
Mother Mary Loyola
Blessed are they that Mourn
$8.95By the early years of the twentieth century, Mother Mary Loyola had cemented her reputation as one of the best Catholic writers of her generation, but the First World War prompted her to write a book of consolation for the...
Rev. Bonaventure Hammer
Mary Help of Christians
MSRP: $19.95$17.95This timeless classic, originally published by Benziger Brothers in 1909, is the sort of book every Catholic should have on the family bookshelf.Contents include: The importance, as well as the benefits, in seeking the intercession of the saints;...
Lisa Bergman
Skarb Tradycji: Nadzwyczajny przewodnik po Mszy Świętej
$29.95In partnership with Key4 in Warsaw, Poland, we are thrilled to now offer Treasure and Tradition in Polish! Ten przewodnik został tak pomyślany, żeby – bez względu na to, czy od lat uczestniczysz w liturgii trydenckiej, czy też zainteresowałeś...