Student Reading

These are books that students may be able to read on their own, depending on their age.

  • A Little Child's First Communion

    Mother Margaret Bolton

    A Little Child's First Communion

    MSRP: $27.95

    Mother Margaret Bolton began her career in 1892 as a public school teacher in New York City before entering the Convent of the Cenacle of St. Regis in 1913, where she soon became Director of Religion. There she developed a method of teaching the...

  • My Picture Book of First Communion My Picture Book of First Communion

    My Picture Book of First Communion

    MSRP: $19.95

    This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Confession, was originally written by a Dutch religious, Brother Maria Cassianus Versteeg, as one among a series of books for children printed by their Orphanage Printing...

  • My Picture Book of First Confession My Picture Book of First Confession

    My Picture Book of First Confession

    MSRP: $19.95

    This beautifully illustrated book, with its companion, My Picture Book of First Communion, was originally written by a Dutch religious, Brother Maria Cassianus Versteeg, as one among a series of books for children printed by their Orphanage Printing...

  • The Magnificat Readers: Third Reader

    Highway to Heaven Series

    The Magnificat Readers: Third Reader

    MSRP: $32.95

        The Magnificat Readers are a collection of excerpts from nearly a dozen vintage Catholic school readers, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1930s.  For the most part, the selections found within are those prescribed by the...

  • Jesús de Nazaret

    Mother Mary Loyola

    Jesús de Nazaret


        Para despertar y dirigir el sentimiento religioso, moral y artístico de los niños y jóvenes, no sabemos que pueda ponerse en sus manos nada más á propósito que esta relación, sencillamente...

  • Christ's Twelve

    Rev. Frank J. Mueller

    Christ's Twelve


        Over the years 1928-1931, Rev. Frank J. Mueller penned these essays on each of the twelve Apostles for The Sign, a monthly publication of the Passionists.  Collected under one cover in 1931 as Christ’s Twelve, these brief...

  • The Magnificat Readers: First Reader

    Highway to Heaven Series

    The Magnificat Readers: First Reader

    MSRP: $23.95

        The Magnificat Readers are a collection of excerpts from nearly a dozen vintage Catholic school readers, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1930s.  For the most part, the selections found within are those prescribed by the...

  • Our Sacraments

    Msgr. William R. Kelly

    Our Sacraments


        Instructions in Story Form for Use in the Primary Grades Follow Tom and Ann as they learn about the Sacraments from their Uncle John.  What is grace, and how do we get it?  And how do the Sacraments help us?  What are...

  • Catholic Nursery Rhymes

    Sister Mary Gertrude

    Catholic Nursery Rhymes


        This Benziger Brothers classic from 1925 is a delightful collection of rhymes, each beginning with a successive letter of the alphabet, which tell the story of the Alpha and Omega from A to Z.  Full of color illustrations and...

  • Character Calendar

    Character Calendar


        This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day.  Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book...