Ages 9-12

Books for the middle grades.

  • Child's Book of Saints

    William Canton

    A Child's Book of Saints


          Young people--boys and girls alike--will delight in these stories of the saints, many of which will be entirely new to them, as the author has brought out several stories of less-well-known early British saints.  An early...

  • Child's Book of Warriors

    William Canton

    A Child's Book of Warriors

    $14.95 - $22.95

          Young people--boys and girls alike--will delight in these stories of warriors who in all ages have defended the right and fought for high ideals. William Canton was a journalist, poet and an author of children's books such as The...

  • A Child's Garden of Religion Stories

    Rev. P. Henry Matimore

    A Child's Garden of Religion Stories


    This first volume in the Madonna Series of study readers was intended for the third grade.  Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and Exodus, and continuing through the Birth of Jesus to...

  • Collection of Goops

    Gelett Burgess

    A Collection of Goops


          Experience for yourself the treasure that inspired generations of children's authors, including the young Dr. Seuss.  Gelett Burgess first published Goops and How to be Them in 1900, using reverse psychology to poke fun at...

  • A Feast of Saints Coloring Book

    Matthew Alderman

    A Feast of Saints Coloring Book


          Why should little ones enjoy all the coloring fun? Whether you've been wishing for a good challenge or just want something really worthwhile, here's the coloring book you've been waiting for!  A Feast of Saints contains 23...

  • A Pictorial Catechism

    M.B. Coussinier

    A Pictorial Catechism


          This was the first book of its kind to combine the benefits of a solid catechism and the finest artwork with an affordable price. The Apostle’s Creed, the Ten Commandments, the Commandments of the Church, Sin, Virtue, the...

  • At the Foot of the Sand Hills

    Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.

    At the Foot of the Sand Hills


    After spending four years boarding with the Blakestone family during his medical studies, Dr. Murt is thrilled to finally return the favor by inviting young Walter to come and stay with him in Nebraska for a few months.  Walter learns to hunt ducks...

  • Bobby in Movieland

    Rev. Francis J. Finn

    Bobby in Movieland


        Tragedy strikes for Bobby Vernon and his mother on their journey through California, when a sudden earthquake separates them.  Thanks to the kindness of strangers, each finds the assistance needed to forge ahead with their lives,...

  • Brass Knuckles Brass back cover

    Rev. Raymond J. O'Brien

    Brass Knuckles


    Speed Austin never meant to get in trouble, but it seems to follow him wherever he goes.  Yet, even though he’s part of the playground gang of toughs, the boys from St. Leo’s are desperate for a shortstop to take the place of Bud...

  • Character Calendar

    Character Calendar


        This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day.  Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book...

  • Cupid of Campion

    Rev. Francis J. Finn

    Cupid of Campion


    All is sunshine and roses for Clarence Esmond as he saunters down the streets of McGregor, searching for the bright-eyed goddess of adventure.  Little does he know he is about to suffer one misadventure after another at her hands!  But...

  • Facing Danger

    Rev. Francis J. Finn

    Facing Danger


        On Canal Street in New Orleans "Professor Thomas" finds a young boy in need of help...and embarks on an unexpected adventure in South America in the course of lending him that help. Will the forces of evil prevail against young Jose...