Graded Catechism Series
Student Reading
Teacher Resources
Read-aloud Books
Religion in Life Resources
First Communion Resources
Activity Books, Music and Audiobooks
Nathan Schmiedicke
The Bible's Foundation: A Catholic Introduction to the Pentateuch
$19.95 - $27.95 -
Nathan Schmiedicke
The Bible's Foundation: A Catholic Introduction to the Pentateuch
$19.95 - $27.95Our brand new High School level textbook introduces students to the Old Testament... If the Bible were compared to a house, the Pentateuch or Torah would be like the foundation-the part upon which the whole house stands rooted to the ground. The...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Book of the Holy Child
$12.95 - $24.95The Book of the Holy Child is the First Grade text in the Highway to Heaven Catechism Series. It introduces young children to Our Lord and the Holy Family as well as Jesus's Eucharistic Presence in the Tabernacle. ...
Rev. F.X. Lasance
The Catholic Girl's Guide
$20.95The members of the Little Flowers Girls Clubs are sure to recognize the Maiden's Wreath of Virtues in this classic, on which their flower badges were based. Father Lasance explores in depth the virtues of the Catholic Girl, as...
Mother Mary Loyola
The Child of God
$11.95Mother Mary Loyola's treatment of the meaning of Baptism takes shape as a sort of Baltimore Catechism in conversational form. Because it is written for a younger audience, she relies heavily on anecdotes and stories to...
The Child's Book of Hymns
$12.95If you enjoyed our Catholic Songs for Children, but are seeking songs children can sing at Mass, this is what you've been hoping for! This delightful selection of hymns, written especially for children by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin...
Mother Mary Loyola
The Children's Charter
$12.95The Children's Charter was Mother Mary Loyola's response to Pope Pius X's 1910 decree Quam Singulari, which lowered the age for reception of First Communion to seven. Addressed directly to the parents and teachers of children,...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Highway to God
$19.95 - $32.95Produced by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930’s, the Highway to Heaven series of Religion textbooks is a breath of fresh air. ...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Highway to Heaven Textbook Series
$89.75 - $154.75Now you can save 25% when you buy the entire series of textbooks from the Highway to Heaven series! To learn more about this series, check out our Highway to Heaven page. This package includes: 1st Grade: The Book...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
$15.95 - $28.95Produced by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930’s, the Highway to Heaven series of Religion textbooks is a breath of fresh air. ...
Mother Mary Loyola
The King of the Golden City
$21.95The book that began it all... Mother Mary Loyola had used the simple allegory of a little maid and the gracious King who deigned to visit her as a catechetical tool for many years...a brief sketch of this story appears in The...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Life of My Savior
$17.95 - $29.95Produced by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930’s, the Highway to Heaven series of Religion textbooks is a breath of fresh air. ...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Life of the Soul
$15.95 - $27.95Produced by the Marquette University Institute of Catechetical Research under the editorship of Edward A. Fitzpatrick in the 1930’s, the Highway to Heaven series of Religion textbooks is a breath of fresh air. ...