Mother Mary Loyola Books

  • Mother Loyola Sacrament Prep Collection

    Mother Mary Loyola

    The Mother Loyola Sacrament Prep Collection

    MSRP: $52.80

          Prepare your child to receive the sacraments the Mother Mary Loyola way! With this package, you will receive the books First Communion, Questions on First Communion, First Confession and The Children's Charter, at a savings of 25%...

  • Mother Mary Loyola Collection

    Mother Mary Loyola

    The Mother Mary Loyola Collection

    MSRP: $273.40

          For those who love Mother Mary Loyola, it's hard to decide which books to buy. With this collection, you can own them all** and save money at the same time. Now including our newest title by Mother Loyola, Sursum Corda! You will...

  • Soldier of Christ

    Mother Mary Loyola

    The Soldier of Christ


          Any book on the sacrament of Confirmation can explain what Confirmation is, but this is the only book that explains, in the most original and engaging manner, what Confirmation does.  It is both a dialogue and a travelogue,...

  • Trust

    Mother Mary Loyola



          This last of Mother Mary Loyola's full-length works is an object lesson in learning to trust implicitly in God for all things, especially when it is most difficult to do so.  Who better than she to lead us on this...

  • Welcome

    Mother Mary Loyola

    Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After


          Readers of The King of the Golden City will appreciate the theme of preparing a fitting welcome for the King, and in making those visits as fruitful as possible.  But sometimes our preparation and thanksgiving are more...

  • With the Church, Volume 2: the Ascension to Advent

    Mother Mary Loyola

    With the Church, Volume 2: the Ascension to Advent


    At long last, we have finally finished this second and final volume of Mother Loyola's meditations on the Church Year! When writing the first volume of With the Church, Mother Loyola took care to focus on the "meat" of the Church Year. Bedridden and...

  • With the Church

    Mother Mary Loyola

    With the Church, Volume I: Advent to the Ascension


    Now for the first time in nearly a century, this classic set of meditations on the Liturgical Year are back in print! Written while Mother Loyola was bedridden with a hip fracture, these devotions bring us the urgency of living our life With the...