This series of three study readers for the third through fifth grade was originally produced in Chicago during the reign of George Cardinal Mundelein in the early 1930s. Each generously illustrated volume is based on stories from the Bible and the Lives of the Saints. Save 15% when purchasing the entire Madonna Series!
This set includes:
A Child's Garden of Religion Stories: Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and Exodus, and continuing through the Birth of Jesus to his early days of preaching. The volume closes with a selection of stories about the saints.
Wonder Stories of God's People: In the second volume in the Madonna Series, Wonder Stories of God’s People, the stories of the Old and New Testament are carried on with Jacob, Joseph, Samson and David, and the Miracles, Passion and Death of Our Lord. Here too we finish with select stories of the saints. This book has been printed in full color with a hardcover binding because of its beautiful illustrations.
Heroes of God's Church: This fifth grade volume in the Madonna Series is intended as a study in virtue using the stories of the Saints. Each one is presented, not merely as a two-dimensional figure for admiration, or a miracle worker, but as a real human in real-world situations
NOTE: Yes, it is somewhat confusing and not quite ideal, but only Wonder Stories has been printed as a hardcover. The other two books in the series are softcover.
Why? Well, when you see Wonder Stories, you'll understand, I think... it seemed a crime to convert its gorgeous color illustrations into black and white...but our usual print-on-demand solution would have made the color printing too expensive. So we sprung for a full print run of these. It was worth it and they still match! We think you'll love all three!