Save 25% when you purchase the full series of Catechism textbooks The Spiritual Way. This set is heavily referenced in the Religion in Life Curriculum.
This set includes the Teacher's Manual, which covers instruction for all four books.
Around the year 1912, Mother Bolton of the Cenacle of St. Regis in New York began working on lessons for use in instructing novices entering the convent. As she developed them further, she began using them to teach children as well as teachers of religious education.
The fruit of these labors is the series “The Spiritual Way,” which is targeted for grades three through seven. Covering twenty fundamental doctrines of the Church, ranging from the Creation and Fall to the Church and her Sacraments, this series seeks to lead the child to think deeply about each subject, rather than simply memorize information. Thus, by thinking and learning to express dogma in their own words, young people will come to understand, love and apply it to their everyday lives.
Book One lays a firm foundation for spiritual truth by presenting God as Creator, as Father, and as the Almighty; He is the One Whose Light can Solve the Problems of All People.
Book Two builds on this foundation, introducing Man and God’s plan for him, the effects of grace, Original and Actual Sin, the Ten Commandments, and the Four Last Things.
Book Three proceeds from the known to the unknown, exploring the capabilities of the unseen soul, the mystery of the Trinity, our Redemption and its perpetuation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Book Four is devoted to the teaching of the Sacraments and the channel through which they come to us: the Church. It is an excellent preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation.
5.83" x 8.27" paperback