Posted by Lisa Bergman on Feb 5th 2024
Before-and-After: Anglo Catholic Edition
Well, folks, it's time once more for our favorite feature, Before-and-After! I love putting our reproduced books side by side so you can see what we've done. I'm usually proudest of when we are able to reproduce the books so closely that you can hardly tell, but sometimes the old versions are worth improving.
Here is our latest, Loving and Giving by Clare Dawson! What a wonderful book! A hat tip to the reader who clued us in to the existence of this little gem.
In this case, we didn't change much, but we did retypeset the existing text and move to a slightly larger page size so that we could enlarge the beautiful illustrations!
So here are some photos so that you can compare the slight differences...and I hope you will agree it was worth the improvements!
You can see the slight difference in the cover size...
And we had to sneak that barcode in on the back, but I hope you will agree we were able to do it relatively unobtrusively...we carefully nudged the graphics around just a little so that we didn't need to cover any of the illustrations...
I'm not sure how well you can tell the difference in the size of these illustrations, but they take up much more of the page and you can really see the details better...
It's especially notable on this page on the right side. There was a beautiful little illustration of the Presentation in the Temple, but it was so small you could scarcely see it or read the words...Here it is much larger so that you can enjoy it!
You can also see on this page the slight difference we made to the lettering in the title, so that it's a little more readable.
So there you have it, folks! We hope you enjoy this beautiful book. We were dismayed when it came time to print it, that printing prices are going up significantly. So we had to price this book higher than we'd like. But I hope you will find that it really is worth the trouble.