Prayer Books & Devotionals
Character Calendar
$14.95This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day. Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book...
Lisa Bergman
Tesoro y Tradición: Guía definitiva de la Misa en latín
$15.95Ya sea que ha estado asistiendo a la forma extraordinaria de la Misa durante años o simplemente tiene curiosidad acerca de la misma, esta guía despliega toda la riqueza que la Misa guarda para cada uno de nosotros. En estas páginas...
Mother Mary Loyola
Home for Good
$14.95The unassuming title "Home for Good" and the original motivation Mother Loyola had in writing this book--that is, to help young ladies who were finishing boarding school to make the right choices in life--both utterly belie the...
Mother Mary Loyola
Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After
$16.95Readers of The King of the Golden City will appreciate the theme of preparing a fitting welcome for the King, and in making those visits as fruitful as possible. But sometimes our preparation and thanksgiving are more...
Mother Mary Loyola
Confesión y Comunión
$14.95“Existen, para casi todos nosotros, temporadas y estados de ánimo, durante los cuales nose s, no ya útil, sino necessario, el servirnos de libros de piedad para prepararnos a recibir los santos sacramentos de la Confesión y...