Prayer Books & Devotionals

  • Character Calendar

    Character Calendar


        This pocket-size volume contains a wealth of spiritual guidance through daily devotions to the saint or feast of the day.  Originally written in 1931 for upper grade school children by a pair of Notre Dame School Sisters, this book...

  • Home for Good

    Mother Mary Loyola

    Home for Good


          The unassuming title "Home for Good" and the original motivation Mother Loyola had in writing this book--that is, to help young ladies who were finishing boarding school to make the right choices in life--both utterly belie the...

  • Welcome

    Mother Mary Loyola

    Welcome! Holy Communion Before and After


          Readers of The King of the Golden City will appreciate the theme of preparing a fitting welcome for the King, and in making those visits as fruitful as possible.  But sometimes our preparation and thanksgiving are more...

  • Confesión y Comunión

    Mother Mary Loyola

    Confesión y Comunión


    “Existen, para casi todos nosotros, temporadas y estados de ánimo, durante los cuales nose s, no ya útil, sino necessario, el servirnos de libros de piedad para prepararnos a recibir los santos sacramentos de la Confesión y...