Graded Catechism Series
Student Reading
Teacher Resources
Read-aloud Books
Religion in Life Resources
First Communion Resources
Activity Books, Music and Audiobooks
Lisa Bergman
Skarb Tradycji: Nadzwyczajny przewodnik po Mszy Świętej
$29.95In partnership with Key4 in Warsaw, Poland, we are thrilled to now offer Treasure and Tradition in Polish! Ten przewodnik został tak pomyślany, żeby – bez względu na to, czy od lat uczestniczysz w liturgii trydenckiej, czy też zainteresowałeś...
Highway to Heaven Series
The Magnificat Readers: Third Reader
MSRP: $32.95$28.00The Magnificat Readers are a collection of excerpts from nearly a dozen vintage Catholic school readers, dating from the late 1800s to the early 1930s. For the most part, the selections found within are those prescribed by the...
Mother Mary Loyola
The Mother Loyola Sacrament Prep Collection
MSRP: $52.80$39.60Prepare your child to receive the sacraments the Mother Mary Loyola way! With this package, you will receive the books First Communion, Questions on First Communion, First Confession and The Children's Charter, at a savings of 25%...