Especially for Boys

  • Child's Book of Warriors

    William Canton

    A Child's Book of Warriors

    $14.95 - $22.95

          Young people--boys and girls alike--will delight in these stories of warriors who in all ages have defended the right and fought for high ideals. William Canton was a journalist, poet and an author of children's books such as The...

  • Child's Book of Saints

    William Canton

    A Child's Book of Saints


          Young people--boys and girls alike--will delight in these stories of the saints, many of which will be entirely new to them, as the author has brought out several stories of less-well-known early British saints.  An early...

  • Book of Saints & Heroes

    Leonora Blanche Lang

    The Book of Saints and Heroes


          Andrew Lang was an Oxford fellow and Scotsman who had a distinguished career as a poet, novelist and historian.  His wife Leonora was extremely well-educated herself, having translated a history of Russia from the French and...

  • Collection of Goops

    Gelett Burgess

    A Collection of Goops


          Experience for yourself the treasure that inspired generations of children's authors, including the young Dr. Seuss.  Gelett Burgess first published Goops and How to be Them in 1900, using reverse psychology to poke fun at...

  • Cave by the Beech Fork Cave back cover

    Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.

    The Cave by the Beech Fork


    From the discovery of a secret cave to the winning of a David-and-Goliath shooting match, there is no lack of action in The Cave by the Beech Fork, as we follow Owen Howard and Martin Cooper through their exploits in early 19th century Kentucky. But...

  • Sheriff of the Beech Fork Sheriff back cover

    Rev. Henry S. Spalding, S.J.

    The Sheriff of the Beech Fork


    The Sheriff of the Beech Fork continues the adventures of 15-year-old Owen Howard and Martin Cooper in the early 19th century Kentucky wilderness, as begun in The Cave by the Beech Fork.  Having befriended the deputy sheriff, Richard Lane (better...

  • Heroes of God's Church

    Rev. P. Henry Matimore

    Heroes of God's Church


    This fifth grade volume in the Madonna Series is intended as a study in virtue using the stories of the Saints.  Each one is presented, not merely as a two-dimensional figure for admiration, or a miracle worker, but as a real human in real-world...

  • Nice Going, Red

    Rev. Raymond J. O'Brien

    Nice Going, Red


    Frank "Red" Devlin is the best fighter in town--trouble is, he's always getting into scraps over something or other. He just can't stand being teased. He even bristles when his friend, Lieutenant Carroll, spots him smoking and playing craps with...

  • A Child's Garden of Religion Stories

    Rev. P. Henry Matimore

    A Child's Garden of Religion Stories


    This first volume in the Madonna Series of study readers was intended for the third grade.  Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and Exodus, and continuing through the Birth of Jesus to...